Wayward Winds Favorite Beers to Make You Feel Like You're at the Beach

From time to time, the Wayward Winds wants to share a list of our favorite things. Our category changes or stays the same depending on which way the Wayward Winds take us. This time, the category is beer. And the criteria for this list is simply our opinion on drinkability and taste.

Please note: We receive no financial incentive from any of the items on our lists. We are just sharing things we like.

As you enjoy one of these tasty beverages, be sure and check out some of the new gear on our Website from The Wayward Winds!

Top Five Wayward Winds Beers

  1. Moosehead Lager. It’s been around for a long time and is a great Canadian Lager. Very drinkable and light.

  2. Modelo Especial. Awesome well balanced pilsner taste.

  3. Red Stripe. We know it might be a bit trite, but this Jamaican lager is really good.

  4. Braxton’s Garage Beer. This might be the best true beer out there. When you drink it you’ll say, “that’s a really good beer”. Braxton Brewing, Covington, KY.

  5. Pilsner Urquell. The world’s first pale lager from the Czech Republic. Slightly different taste than the others on the list but very drinkable.

Honorable Mention: Bass Ale, Hudey 14-K, Molson Lager, Rhinegeist Truth, St. Archers Blonde Ale (not the Gold).

That’s it for our list this time. Be sure to follow along as we create more lists. We welcome your opinions on what your list would look like, but we don’t care if you like our list or not. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.


David, Founder