Paul “Butch” Clark

Paul “Butch” Clark

Judy Browning Clark

David Clark, Founder

Jonathan Clark, Founder

Jonathan Clark, Artist/Founder

Maggie Clark, VP of Design

Maggie Jenkins, VP

Abby Clark, VP

Abby Clark, VP

I founded the Wayward Winds after my parents passed within a year of each other at age 75 in 2017. My Mom was a high school beauty queen and my Dad was a star athlete. They both lived with a beautiful flair.

Mom passed to cancer and Dad struggled for 28 years after a diagnosis of early onset Parkinson’s disease. I watched his torturous decline as the Parkinson’s took over. Even in the face of such adversity, Dad never lost his zest for life and Mom never lost her loving soul.

And there I was, chasing the dollar; laser beam focused on collecting the things that I thought were important; making money; fueling that economy; climbing that corporate ladder; disregarding anything that would hinder my quest.

That is, until Mom and Dad passed. I woke up. I began to look around at all the wonderful people and beautiful things around me. I realized that it was time to look at my life from a higher perspective and send all the trivial stuff adrift.

The Wayward Winds message to you is to find out what’s truly important in life and focus on the good. Follow your own path above all the stresses life throws at you.

The Wayward Winds logo is a constant reminder to slow down, enjoy the simple pleasures, and have fun.

Thank you for helping to spread this message.
