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Ways to Escape During Social Distancing and Quarantine

The world seems awfully strange right now, with everything being shut down it’s hard to not pay attention to the news and what’s going on with the world. As we are being told to stay inside and practice Social Distancing, it may be driving some of us stir crazy. Here are some tips though to combat the anxieties, fears, and boredom that you’ll have during this time.


Make sure your are getting some source of exercise, weather that means taking a jog, doing yoga inside, or simply taking a walk around your block. Getting that blood pumping is a sure fire way of clearing your head and combatting the stir craze.


Music is sensor memory for many, which means a song, album, or artist can take you back to a time and place in your life when you were happy. Or throw on an album or artist you’ve been meaning to listen to. Try new genres and listen to the ones that make you comfortable.

Work on yourself:

Working on yourself can mean anything that really is beneficial to you. Maybe that means picking up a hobby or continuing to grow that passion. Or maybe that means learning about something you’ve always wanted to learn about, read a book or watch a documentary. Meditate, meditation can be incredibly healthy by either clearing one’s head or simply allowing you to focus on the positives in your life.

We at Wayward Winds know this is a difficult time for many and want to make sure our readers and followers are not letting this moment in time change your life’s navigation.