The Wayward Winds | Lifestyle Clothing

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Dribble Drive Against Cancer

Part of the Wayward Winds Philosophy, aside from being slightly disobedient, is to participate in worthy charitable events. Recently, I participated in “Dribble Drive Against Cancer” in Miami, FL. Collectively we raised over $500,000 in the first year of the event. It was somewhat different than the normal events in which one might participate. We dribbled a basketball 13.8 miles through the streets of Miami! It’s amazing how much the adrenaline keeps you going, especially when I hadn't gone that far ever! Even so, I am proud to have participated in the event to benefit the Cancer research at the Miami Cancer Institute at Baptist Hospital.

Did your know that a portion of the purchase of every Wayward Winds item goes to charity? Look for upcoming opportunities to participate in charitable events with the Wayward Winds!