The Wayward Winds | Lifestyle Clothing

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The Wayward Winds Logo

The story behind the design of the Wayward Winds Logo is important to brand definition and understanding. It started from a simple sketch by co-founder Jonathan. He drew the Wayward Winds compass based on his love of the water and nature. The logo represents so many things about our philosophy and way of thinking. It is a deep, thought provoking design that looks so simple but with so many meanings.

First, the logo is a compass rose, which is a critical part of a navigational chart when plotting a course. Much like plotting a course on the water, we all plot a course in life.

Second, the logo is slightly slanted, which symbolizes charting your own course through life based on what you want, not what others want. It also means to be original while charting that course.

Third, the logo has a Yin-Yang feature reminding us to live in balance as we chart our course through life.

Fourth, the entire compass is a symbol to look at life from a higher perspective and rise above all the chaos of life.

So, Find out what it means to you to wear the Wayward Winds Logo. remember to Chart your own course in life, stay balanced, be playfully good natured, and rise above the chaos of the world.


David, Co-founder

Wayward Winds, Inc.