The Wayward Winds | Lifestyle Clothing

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Smiles All Around the Globe!

We’re up to 87 on our quest for 100 smiles! It’s been a fun journey to turn frowns into smiles along the way. That’s what the Wayward Winds is all about; finding and bringing out the best in people. Unfortunately, not everybody gets it (PUTIN). I don’t usually get too political but this invasion of the Ukraine is contrary to everything we stand for at Wayward Winds, Inc.

We at Wayward Winds, Inc. are all about navigating a life above all the chaos of the world and living in peace with one another. Look at the world from a higher perspective; much like the space travelers did when they first voyaged to the moon. Their entire outlook changed as they looked back and saw our precious planet glowing with brilliant color among the vastness of black space.

Just think if our World leaders could realize that view!

We all don’t have to agree on everything but we need to agree that we are on this spaceship together and we have to find a way to harmonize. We need to spread the smiles, laugh, and find joy instead of invading our neighbors. Be happy with what you have and don’t take more than you need.

When we get to 100 smiles, we won’t stop. We’ll continue to spread our message of love to the World forever.

“I hope someday you’ll join us and the World will live as one.” John Lennon

Much peace and happiness you you all.

David Clark, Founder