The Wayward Winds | Lifestyle Clothing

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"Got to get you into my life"

“I was alone, I took a ride. I didn’t know what I would find there….”

The Wayward Winds brand/philosophy serves as an instrument to help everyone out there navigate life on a higher plane with balance, love and happiness. The logo is a reminder to look at life from a higher perspective and let the chaos of the world go by.

The philosophy is not a new one. As I watch and read old interviews from the Beatles, I find that I’m reiterating what John Lennon and, especially what George Harrison said all those years ago. It is especially relevant today to look within yourself for the answers. It certainly isn’t about money or possessions; as they had come to realize. I definitely didn’t find happiness chasing the dollar.

As for the title of the Blog, it’s a song by the Beatles off their Revolver album which, in my opinion, is the best Beatles album. The song is “Got to get you into my life”, written by Paul McCartney. It’s a song that he admittedly wrote about marijuana although it could be interpreted as being about love. It’s an upbeat song that lifts my spirits every time I hear it. (I like the marijuana reference though)

We need the peace that John Lennon sang about in “Imagine”. * We need the introspection that George Harrison wrote about in the song “The Inner Light”. “Without looking out of your window, you could know the ways of heaven.” “The farther one travels, the less one really knows.” You don’t need to look very far for the answers to life.

The Wayward Winds gear was designed with the idea that everyone would navigate life on a higher plane and think about the bigger picture; sit on a porch or deck or beach; watch a sunset; smoke a bowl; be awe inspired by the beauty of this world; rise above the constant bombardment of negativity and send the trivial things adrift.

When you wear the Wayward Winds gear, we hope you’ll really know what it means to truly “rise above the chaos!” and “Look at the World from a higher perspective”! Listen to these songs and get the Wayward Winds philosophy into your life!

Sincerity, peace, and love to everyone out there.


*The song “Imagine” is not on the Album Revolver. It is on the 1971 Album “Imagine” by John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band.